The Deaf in Kenya are Amazing!

His Promises are Yes and Amen!

 For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.    2 Corinthians 1:20

When God called me move to Kenya to live and study at the DOOR campus I was filled with excitement, and expectations, and eager to experience all God had for me there.When God opens a door – walk through it. When God closes a door; do not open it back up. Make your plan as though God will bless it and then execute it. He will reveal to you what He wants for you and don’t ever forget that His grace is sufficient for whatever come what may. That’s a promise!

The Deaf here in Kenya are amazing. They are hungry for God’s Word and because they have the Bible translated into their heart language, Kenyan sign language, the Deaf are now able to understand the love letter that God has given them, His Word. The spoken and written language in Kenya is Swahili. Does that mean the Deaf read and understand this language and are expected to use it? NO of course not.The Deaf have there own language, Kenyan Sign Language. Praise God they now have the Bible that can speak to them in their heart language.

One Deaf person said….”For the first time in my life, I learned the Bible from Deaf people in Deaf language and in Deaf culture. It’s changed my life.”

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Small group is an effective way for the Deaf to come together to worship, learn God’s plan for salvation and His Word. This is one step in church planting. As the Deaf accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and small groups grow, so does the church.

The Deaf have taught me everything I’ve learned while here at DOOR. From day one they took me into their hearts. We are truly brothers and sisters in Christ. The Deaf taught me through their worship every Wednesday morning at staff meeting. As they begin with the drum that sets the beat, the worship leader begins to worship and all follow. I stand in awe as if a testimony in itself to me, I know,  that they know and have experienced the saving power of Jesus in their lives and that they  serve an amazing God. The Deaf have taught me their beautiful Kenyan and Indian Sign Language, and how to evangelize the Deaf using the tools they have developed which I will bring back to the States.

Romans 15:21

21 but as it is written,

“Those who have never been told of him will see,
    and those who have never heard will understand.”



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